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The Zest_Power_12-48V-to-10V is an electronics development board for 6TRON opensource platform based on MAX17506 from Maxim.

The MAX17506 is a high-voltage, synchronous step-down DC-DC converter with integrated high-side MOSFET operates over a 4.5V to 60V input.The converter can deliver up to 5A and generates output voltages from 0.9V up to 0.9 x VIN and features an adjustable switching frequency for optimum efficiency. The feedback (FB) voltage is accurate to within ±1.4%.

The Zest_Power_12-48V-to-10V offers 6TRON users a Step-Down DC-DC Converter for powering the 6TRON stacks from an external high voltage supply voltage 12 to 48V range.



MAX17506 FeaturesStep-Down DC-DC Converter Adjustable Output-Voltage Range from 0.9V up to 90% of VIN ut to 3A Output Current 100kHz to 2.2MHz Adjustable Switching Frequency with External Synchronization Peak Efficiency > 95% MODE Pin to Select Among PWM, PFM, or DCM interface
Connectivity 80-pin 6TRON header 2 x 2-pin SMD header
Board size 80 x 39 mm
Power Supply 12 to 48V
Category Zest_Power

Block Diagram

The graphics below gives an overview of the board features and connections.

Zest_Power_12-48V-to-10V block diagram

80-pin 6TRON connector

Description6TRON functionPin numberPin number6TRON functionDescription
High Voltage External Power SupplyVHV56VHVHigh Voltage External Power Supply
High Voltage External Power SupplyVHV78VHVHigh Voltage External Power Supply
Enable 6TRON stack power supply from daughterVB_EN2728DIO13-
Power Zest output signalVB_OUT2930DIO14-
Global ResetEXT_NRST4142GND-
PWM OutputPWM25758DIO25-
PWM OutputPWM15960DIO26-

Software Support

The Zest_Power_12-48V-to-10V provide a demo example developed using MBed Os. The board can run on Zest Core development boards.


Application notes

  • Powering 6TRON board